PhDs, Master thesis and trainee proposals
- My institution (CEA) offers a pool
of internship / Phd / Postdoc positions each year, so getting a grant is possible for excellent candidates.
- We are primarily looking for highly motivated, passionated and hard-working people, with a clear background in Computer Science
- comfortable with both theoretical and practical aspects of CS -- maths and programming
- knowledge in at least one of the following topics: formal methods, security, compilers, logic and theorem proving, artificial intelligence and machine learning
- knowledge in functional programming and OCaml is a plus
- If
you are interested in my current research themes but not in my current
proposals, don't hesitate to contact me: we may agree on a research
direction that suites both of us
Positions for 2021: ** contact me **
- binary-level verification techniques, with application to security analysis (vulnerabilities, malware, reverse, code hardening, ...)
- dedicated constraint resolution and SMT solving methods for program analysis and software verification
- security-oriented program analysis and machine learning
PhD topics
We are interested in candidates willing to work around binary-level security, formal methods & program analysis, constraint solving andmachine-learning for code analysis. Some keywrods: fuzzing, symbolic execution, reverse, vulnerabiliuty analysis, code hardening, etc.
PhD positions for 2020 - 2021: ** contact me **
Master thesis-Trainees (level: L3, M1, M2)
offer essentially 6-month internships for Master-degree students, yet
adaptation to 3-month internships is possible. Most internships can lead to a doctoral program with associated PhD grants.
Positions for 2020-2021: HERE
Current and former students/postdocs
- Christophe Chareton [2018-2019] Formal methods for quantum programs
- Michael Marcozzi [2015-2017] Hyperproperty testing
- Mickaël Delahaye [2014-2015] A unified framework for automatic white-box testing
PhD students
- Soline Ducoussot [2020-...] Attackers in code analysis
- Guillaume Girol [2019-...] Constraint solving for security
- Grégoire Menguy [2019-...] Code contract inference
- Lesly-Ann Daniel [2018-...] Software analysis of non-interference properties
- Mathilde Ollivier [2017-...] Software protection against semantic attacks
- Yaëlle Vinçont [2017-...] Smart fuzing
- Manh Dung Nguyen [2017-...] Advanced vulnerability analysis
- Frédéric Recoules [2017-...] Formal analysis of inline assembly code
- Benjamin Farinier [2015-2020] Constraint solving for security
- Jonathan Salwan [2015-2020] Binary-level code analysis for security
- Adel Djoudi [2013-2016] Safe static analysis of executables
- Robin David [2013-2016] Automatic analysis of obfuscated executables
Master students
- Oliver Stuart Constant [2020, Ecole Polytechnique, 6 months] CFI protections
- Cauim de Souza Lima [2019, Ecole Polytechnique, 6 months] Machine Learning for bypassing code protections
- Lesly-Ann Daniel [2018, ENS Rennes, 6 months] Symbolic execution for hyper-properties
- Yaëlle Vinçont [2017, Uni. Paris-Sud, 6 months] Smart fuzzing
- Guillaume Girol [2017, Ecole Polytechnique, 4 months] Efficient symbolic execution
- Hai Nguyen Van [2014, Uni. Paris 7, 6 months] Syntactic verification through model checking
- Guillaume Jeanne [2014, ENSIMAG, 6 months] Automatic crash analysis
- Hai Van Nguyen [2014, Uni. Paris 7, 6 months] Syntactic model checking
- Simon Collet [2013, Centrale Lyon, 6 months] Efficient constraint resolution for subclasses of SAT
- Quentin Plazar [2013, Supélec Metz, 6 months] Static analysis of self-modifying code
- Hai Van Nguyen [2013, Uni. Paris 7, 3 months] Malware detection
- Théo Dzierzbicki [2012, INSA Lyon, 4 months] Verification-oriented decompilation
- Olivier Fahy [2012, Uni. Versailles Saint-Quentin, 6 months] A
study of IDA Pro: possibilities, limits, extensions through static
analysis plugin
- François Cheynier [2011, ENSIIE, 3 months] Mutation testing as predicate coverage
- Nicolas
Cornuet [2011, Uni. Orsay, 6 monts, co-supervisor] Binary-based
coverage vs source-based coverage: an empiric evaluation of
common criteria
- Pei-Yu [2010,
IRISA, 6 months] Combining Constraint Programming and SMT for solving formulas
over large arrays
- Baya Ait Abdelmalek [2008, Uni. Paris 7, 6 months]
Modelling x86 into
- Florian Perroud [2008, Uni. Marseilles, 6 months] Design and
implementation of a GUI for OSMOSE